Sylvain Malacria
Loki group
Inria Centre at the University of Lille
Batiment B, bureau B102
40, avenue Halley - Park Plaza
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Phone: +33 (0)3 59 35 8785
sylvain dot malacria at inria dot fr
Latest news:
Looking forward to CHI 2025 in Yokohama, where Eva Mackamul will present her paper on interaction discoverability, Alice Loizeau her TOCHI paper on interaction interferences, Xinrui Fang his Late-Breaking-Work on scientific bibliography practice, and Kazuhiro Shinoda will demonstrate his work on tactile design. I will also take part in the Meta-HCI workshop to collectively reflect on how HCI can refine its methodologies. Really can't wait!
Suliac Lavenant just presented his work on Studying the Perception of Vibrotactile Haptic Cues on the Hand and Forearm for Microgesture Interaction at the ISMAR '24 conference! Great Job Suliac!
Antoine Nollet just began his PhD on Automatic Information Management for Collaborative Spaces, co-supervised with Bruno Fruchard and Carla Griggio (from Aalborg University in Copenhagen). Welcom Antoine!
I am a research scientist (Chargé de Recherche, HDR) at Inria, in the Loki group, currently visiting Prof. Koji Yatani 's' Interactive Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the University of Tokyo as a JSPS Invited fellow . Prior to that, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the University College London and at the University of Canterbury (New-Zealand). I did my Ph.D. at Télécom ParisTech, and passed my Master Degree at UPMC in Artificial Intelligence with a speciality in HCI. I am also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada (2021-2028).
My research interests are in the areas of human-computer interaction (HCI), with additional focus on designing interactive systems and interaction techniques that can be easily discovered and learned by novice users, while still yielding high performance to more practiced users. More generally, I am highly interested in how interaction can be communicated to the user to foster its discovery. If you are curious about my research, giving a look at the selected recent publications below should provide a decent overview.
I currently am the Principal Investigator of the ANR JCJC Discovery project (2020-2025) that investigates the design of Graphical User Interfaces that would better support the discovery of their interactive principles.
Selected recent Publications
Ongoing student supervisions
- Raphaël Perraud (PhD Student funded by the Discovery project )
- Suliac Lavenant (PhD Student funded by the ANR MIC project, co-supervised with Laurence Nigay, Alix Goguey and Thomas Pietrzak)
- Vincent Lambert (PhD Student at Grenoble Alpes University, co-supervised with Laurence Nigay and Alix Goguey)
- Antoine Nollet (PhD Student funded by the University of Lille, co-supervised with Bruno Fruchard and Carla Griggio)
- Maëva Calmettes (PhD Student at University of Lyon, co-supervised with Aurélien Tabard and Mathieu Nancel, funded by the PEPR Ensemble )
Previous student supervisions
- Constant Yuan Chen (Defended Sep. 20th 2024, co-supervised with Géry Casiez, Daniel Vogel and Edward Lank)
- Eva Mackamul (Defended Dec. 21st 2023, co-supervised with Géry Casiez) -- Now Post Doc at Université Grenoble Alpes
- Damien Masson (Defended Aug. 2nd 2023, co-supervised with Géry Casiez, Daniel Vogel and Edward Lank) -- Now Assistant Professor at the Université de Montréal
- Axel Antoine (Defended Jan. 29th 2021, co-supervised with Géry Casiez) -- Now lead software engineer at Stereograph
- Nicole Pong (Defended Oct. 21st 2020, co-supervised with Stéphane Huot and Nicolas Roussel)